How habits affect us

You obviously already have an idea on what habits are. But I think it's best we refer to a source. Let's see the Oxford dictionary has to say
Habits- an action performed repeatedly and automatically without awareness.
Now what's the use reading a post like this? You may ask, but in response to that, I'll like to ask you very humbly to please silently whisper to yourself what and what made the most successful people in the world today successful....
.....are you done?

Done yet?...
Okay, now I'm sure you're done. Now, please go over those things again and tell me which one of those attributes is not an habit in the lives of those men...none right? (In case you found one, tell us in the comment box below, and we'll convince you that it's an habit.)
Now back to the main point, since right habits made those men successful, I'm sure we now want to know more of those "good habits" so we can maybe soon, be successful too.
1)habit of right work- I'm sure you don't hear about this one a lot. You were actually expecting "hard" not "right"? Because all our lives, we've been thought that hard work will definitely lead you to success without specifying " rightly ". " what's your point?" you may be asking. Well take this illustration-
Let's imagine you're in Cameroon(an African country), and from Cameroon, you want to travel to Nigeria ( a West African country) and you have the fastest and at the same time, strongest jet in the world, and you turn on the engine of that jet and start moving North, when you intend going to a western country. Now despite the strength and speed of the plane, will that individual, he will only go round the world repeatedly. Now, while wanting to work hard, it's important to work hard in your area of gifting and calling. It's good to work in line with your passion, and your dreams.
If you continue to work hard in the right work, you're sure you're on your way to success.
2)right work.
3) right work.
That's it!. If you work hard in the right work, it means you're persistent and diligent.(hard work) on the right path in life (right work) you're sure to succeed.
Greetings from VIKE-M Team.


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