The quest at hand, the task, the clan.
A soldier ready for batt le sits on no saddle.

"At ease"an enraged soldier heeds not to
A call to battle, he attends quickly to
Thinking less of his own life, but the mission,
and his people.

Carwadice,fear,all alien to his personality
Bravery and selflessness, his company.

Who then is this soldier? His army?
Lo, life goes to and fro in search.
In search of this unshakable being,s
This mountain moving being.

This pace-setting being
Who then is he?Where can he be found?

For behold, a soldier named Federo
can be said to be in that pack.
Federo wouldn't bow to none,
He wouldn't bend no matter how long.

The crowd he chose not to follow,
Neither associate with the owls.
Just asI did fourscore months ago.

A conviction and passion I followed.
But ho! How easy i esteemed the journey

How cheaply weighed it
In the flock i used to think I should've stayed,
But unto me,I place no regrets
as I cast in my best nets.
Though we know its true though,
But we cast bets

If he who laugh last laughs best.
As I walk the part of aloneness,
the quiet, desert-like path of

Convictions,dreams,separated ness,
My God on my mind,
Firm convictions on my soul,

A path  to-be great men must walk,
A path all great men once walked.
The die hard 'soldier' Mandela said

"I have fought against white
as well as black domination."
"I have cherished the ideal of"

"a democratic and of a free society
as well, in which all persons
live in harmony and equal"

"Opportunities for all
It is an ideal which I hope to live
to see realized, but if needs be,"

" an ideal for which I'm ready to die."
A soldier is one who errs,
Who has only a win or die mentality.

who cares little for life.
Who gives no respect
to the conviction less ones,

Who knows not the word "retreat"
Who spins himself in a worthy cause.

Who in the end, when he wins,
enjoys the victory of winning, and
if he fails,takes failure by the tail,

Shoves his down his thought,
And goes for another trial.
So his glorious reward

will not be given to the
Intimate cold multitudes.
So day and night,

I work with this conviction;
One that stands to prove
Success respects age not,

Neither does accomplishment.
And that you don't need a
building's approval to become

Virtue Etusi


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