Fashion designers vs tailors

Have you ever been confused as of the question of what really us the difference between fashion designing and tailoring? Well, I too am confused but with the little knowledge I have on this, I think the difference is that fashion designers keep up with the latest styles, while tailors don't.
But before we draw conclusions, let's check out what Cambridge dictionary has to say on "Fashion in particular-

noun UK /ˈfæʃ. n / US
/ˈfæʃ. n /
A2 a style that is
popular at a particular time,
especially in clothes, hair, make-up,
Long hair is back in fashion for men.
Fur coats have gone out of fashion.
a programme with features on sport
and fashion
She always wears the latest
[ C or U ]
follow (a) fashion
to do what is popular at the
like it's going out of fashion
If you use something like it's
going out of fashion, you use
large amounts of it very
Emma spends money like it's
going out of fashion.
More examples –
We did a fashion shoot on the
beach, with the girls modelling
Whatever the latest fashion
trend, you can be sure Nicki
will be wearing it.
There's a double-page spread
on the latest fashions.
Our fashion editor gives you
the lowdown on winter coats
for this season.
They made their money in the
fashion business.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related
words +
a way of doing things:
The rebel army behaved in a brutal
[ S ]
after a fashion
MAINLY UK If you can do
something after a fashion, you
can do it, but not well:
I can cook, after a fashion.
More examples +
Thesaurus: synonyms and related
words +
verb UK /ˈfæʃ. n / US
/ˈfæʃ. n / FORMAL
[ T ] ə
to make something using your
He fashioned a hat for himself from/
out of newspaper.

See? You are already getting it right? OK, let's go on-
So who is a tailor-

someone whose job is to repair,
make, and adjust (= make changes
to) clothes, especially someone who
makes jackets, trousers, coats, etc.
for men
Thesaurus: synonyms and related
words –
verb UK /ˈteɪ.lə / US
/ˈteɪ.lɚ /
[ T ] r
to make or prepare something
following particular instructions:
We tailor any of our products to your
company's specific needs.

Then finally, fashion designers- (source- Wikipedia)

Fashion designers attempt to design clothes
which are functional as well as aesthetically
pleasing. They consider who is likely to wear a
garment and the situations in which it will be
worn. They have a wide range and
combinations of materials to work with and a
wide range of colors, patterns and styles to
choose from. Though most clothing worn for
everyday wear falls within a narrow range of
conventional styles, unusual garments are
usually sought for special occasions such as
evening wear or party dresses .
Some clothes are made specifically for an
individual, as in the case of haute couture or
bespoke tailoring . Today, most clothing is
designed for the mass market, especially
casual and every-day wear are called ready to
Fashion designers may work full-time for one
fashion house, as 'in-house designers', which
owns the designs. They may work alone or as
part of a team. Freelance designers work for
themselves, selling their designs to fashion
houses, directly to shops, or to clothing
manufacturers. The garments bear the buyer's
label. Some fashion designers set up their own
labels, under which their designs are marketed.
Some fashion designers are self-employed and
design for individual clients. Other high-end
fashion designers cater to specialty stores or
high-end fashion department stores. These
designers create original garments, as well as
those that follow established fashion trends.
Most fashion designers, however, work for
apparel manufacturers, creating designs of
men's, women's, and children's fashions for
the mass market. Large designer brands which
have a 'name' as their brand such as
Abercrombie & Fitch , Justice, or Juicy are
likely to be designed by a team of individual
designers under the direction of a design
But before now, i believed that the difference is that anybody who can handle a sewing machine well is a tailor already. But a fashion designer wouldn't sew a cloth exactly as you told him to. he'll sure add his own individual ideas to the outlook that cloth is going to have.
Now, you'll agree with me that this is a very interesting topic that has been debated for decades now (or even longer.) But guess what really drew my attention to the topic. Come closer yo your screen o.its about to get interesting. It was only yesterday after church service that I and a lady friend who is a make-up artist got into an argument. (I'm not the arguing type, I used to be, but stopped it when I realized that in an argument, there is never a why waste time arguing?)
She has been into the whole make-up thing for some time now(2years+). It didn't even start up as an argument. It started as a friendly dude and big sis's talk. You know, she was explaining to me how make upping for people goes, how some die hard, loyal customers who do patronize her everyday, and how some of the music stars have their own make-up artists.
It was all relaxing and funny hearing her speak until she made a statement " my work is fashion designing because it has to do with beautifying people and making then look their best". "tailors are tailors. "they just call themselves fashion designers."
The pride in her voice when she as telling me about what make upping had to do with fashion made me assume that she would use the same way yo talk about tailoring. But no.there was thus nonchalance in her voice which directly insulted my personality. Which ridiculed my passion for fashion. Which punched me directly in the face. You want yo know what I did next?
For our non-African  visitors, let me take a bit of my time to explain the African culture to you guys.

In Africa, when an older person is talking, you as a younger person is not allowed to interrupt, break in, or such. Else your head might be broken by them, or at least, they'll loose respect for you.
So back to the story, I felt humiliated, and restless. I think we should really conclude on first of all, what is the difference between fashion designing and tailoring? And does fashion include make up?
I seriously hope that on thus platform, we'll be able to discuss, and find the answer everybody is looking for. But here is my own take on this issue before I go and eat dinner. I think the act if criticism is really the cause of most of these quarrels. If we're into something, we tend to make it seem like its the best thing a man can do in the world, and then we try our best to make other fields seem inferior.
E.g my lady friend tried to make her skill appear more beneficiary than it actually is.( no offence).

So, its up to you my country people. Please comment, and you'll be AMASED how soon we might find the real answer to this topic.


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