Being cheated on by the one that told you how
able, worthy and important you are can leave
you an eternal feeling of rejection. People cheat
for variety of reasons and it has nothing to do
with you, your qualities or what you were
lacking, though, it seems sad but there are some
lessons to be learnt. We all learn lessons in
whatever we encounter throughout our lives,
some might leave us with beautiful memories
and others can leave us with pain that we will
forever wish and try very hard to forget, but
either ways whether good or bad it will make you
a better person. There are some facts that you
will learn when you are being cheated on,
continue reading to see;
1. You will realise that you are stronger than
you thought
You have always thought that your life will end
without this person but when faced with the
issue of break up, you will realize you have more
strength than you ever thought. Pulling yourself
through all this requires lots of gut and strength,
though it will hurt as much as you loved your
partner but you will realize its not your fault and
you made a very big mistake to be with your
partner and you will have faith in yourself
because you now know that there is only one
person who cannot betray you and that is you.
2. People who love you might end up hurting
Sometimes you just got to realize and
understand that people who love you can also
hurt you, they might not want to or mean to but
will give in to temptations. People learn the
lesson of shame and guilt when they cheat,
though not all will because we are not in a
perfect world. If a cheater learns his lessons, you
will find the strength to forgive even if you
cannot trust them again you will learn to forgive
them but if they haven’t learnt any lesson then
you will learn another lesson about how you can
fall for the wrong kind of people.
3. You will understand that sometimes love
actually goes to waste
The harsh reality of this world is that sometimes
your actions are rewarded and sometimes are
just wasted no matter how much you try. You
will never be able to figure out why it happened
and why you, you can think about it all day but
you won’t be able to find the answer, but I have
an answer to that, you loved way too much and
way too hard. You thought about the future with
your partner and gave all that you had but you
were still cheated on, you will be hurt but at
some point you will realize it happened for the
best, you will also realize your worth and that
your love needs to be given to someone who will
cherish it no matter what.
4. Cheating can take a huge toll on your self
Questions like am I a failure? Will I be alone
forever? Was it my fault? Will cloud your mind
and bully your confidence. Telling someone who
doubts themselves after their whimsical romance
just went into flames to just get over it will not
make them realize they have to, they will have to
get over it themselves. This is when they try to
defeat it and not let it affect them anymore, they
will fight it with everything and remind
themselves anytime they feel low that it wasn’t
their fault and they didn’t cheat.
5. You become a better judge of character
You have been though a lot and as such will
know what the real world is and what it brings.
You will also realize that there are good and bad
days and sometimes both in a week. You will
become careful with your relationship so you
don’t make such mistake of hurting someone the
way you have been hurt nor will you give
yourself away to get hurt so easily. You will
understand the need to establish each others
importance and value.
What are those lessons you learnt after been
cheated on? Share with us in the comment
section below.


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