Protest Across US Airports As Trump Bans Muslim Majority Nations

President Donald Trump has ordered a four-
month ban on all refugees entering the US.
He also singled out refugees from Syria as
barred from entering the country indefinitely, or
until he himself decides they are allowed in.
No visas will be issued to immigrants from
seven mainly-Muslim nations including Syria,
Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen for
90 days.
"I'm establishing new vetting measures to keep
radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States
of America. Don't want them here," Trump said
earlier on Friday at the Pentagon.
"We only want to admit those into our country
who will support our country and love deeply our
people," he said.
There were reports of Syrian families who have
spent up to two years being vetted for a visa left
stranded at the airport having sold all their


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