LOL! Wife Burnt Money Hidden By Husband After He Told Her There's No Money

A father of six, Emmanuel Okon has lost huge
sum of money after his wife, Peace, mistakenly
burnt money hid inside a dirty clothes bag kept
in the house after he refused to bring money to
buy food for the family.
The incident happened at Fayemi Street in Ejigbo
Lagos where the couple live.
According to PM Express, the amount mistakenly
burnt by Peace was about N50,000 which her
husband, Okon hid inside the bag without her
On the day the incident happened, his wife had
asked to Okon bring money to buy some ‘De
Rica’ of rice for the family but he claimed he did
not have any money for food stuff and left.
The wife Peace, who is heavily pregnant, decided
to clean their apartment and do away with some
old, dirty clothes kept in a bag in the room by
burning them, not knowing Okon hid some
money inside the bag.
When Okon returned, he went where the bag
was to check if the money he secretly kept there
was still intact only to discover the bag was
He called his wife to know where she kept the
bag but was told she took it earlier and burnt
Okon broke down and started crying, and
revealed she had burnt the money he kept there.
His wife Peace reminded him that he had
claimed that he had no money when she asked
him for money to buy rice to cook for the family,
he got angry and started beating her, despite
her pregnant state.
It took the intervention of the neighbours before
he let her be.
The matter became an issue at the
neighbourhood, with some neighbours saying
Okon was right for not disclosing all the money
he had, but others say he has paid the price for
lying to his wife and seems intended to starve
his family whereas he had such huge sum of
money and refused to provide for the family as


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